First update on how I am doing for each goal so far! Honestly it feels like not much progress as I am still working on opening accounts/ doing paperwork. God I hate it with a burning passion. At least 90% of the paperwork/research I do has something to do with the government and avoiding them screwing me. 1-Learn about corporate taxes and investing through multiple corporate accounts.: 1 / 20
My funds have finally unfrozen in my accounts so I have started transferring between them and opening investment accounts for them. I am still in the process of doing this, at which time I have to buy actual investments. I did find out that a holding corporation can hold any kind of investment you want, or any type even. Chairs, art, cards. We'll see how I can use this!
2-Find a place to live: 1 / 20
I am in the process of getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Again, paperwork delaying everything. I now have a rough estimate of how much I want to spend and around what I can get for this amount. Now I just need to research more details on how to not get screwed when buying. Interest rates are at an all-time low right now, well below inflation. It's almost idiotic not to buy something with these rates. We'll see.
3-Put on 10 pounds of muscle
I have started taking creatine. I tried it before and it just made me fat, but to be fair that might have been me eating cake. I have been doing 5-6 days a week of weights since the start of the year, usually consisting of 10-30 minutes of various upper body exercises. I am out of the phase where everything hurts for 3 days after working out. Still biking 4-5 times per week but more casually. Still eating a good 100+ grams protein per day. Currently on a pullup/push up ladder workout of 6 days on/ 1 day off. Started at 3-2-2-2 for pull ups (2s up, 2sdown, starting from dead hang and pulling to where chin is higher than hands) and 5-4-3-2 for pushups ( 2seconds up, 2 seconds down, 90 degree elbows). This is a very short workout so maybe just a starting base. The goal is to add 1 pull up or push up every day. So day one of pull ups being 3-2-2-2 ( 9 total ) would end up something like 12-10-9-8 ( 39 total ). So far I don't think I could do more than 7 or 8 good ones while fresh on my first attempt. So we'll see how this ends up in a month!
4-Get a car: 5 / 20
Didn't know anything about cars. Thought maybe a muscle car is a cool car to drive, so I spent many hours watching videos and learning about these cars. While they seem very fun to drive, the utility I would get out of them is so low that I just can't convince myself to do it and probably buying any car might be idiotic, but I will research other options. At some point I have to use money to do actual fun things too, however the annual cost of owning a car seems to amount over time to like 2-3 vacations per year I could be taking instead. I might delay this objective for when I get a place to live, which will dictate how annoying it is to do errands on a bike. So far however it's not a problem at all and a car would be almost completely useless.
5-Discover 50 new songs: 2 / 50
Songs listened to: 80 Again the criteria: If I don't want to listen to the song a second time right away, I don't keep it. Very few songs meet this criteria and I've already listened to A LOT of songs in my life.
6-Ride a Motorcycle: 0 / 10.
Kind of on the backburner.
7-Sell one altered Magic: The Gathering card.
Also backburner.
8-Keep this blog updated and do a mid-year reassessment. Hey I'm doing it right now!