Turns out that with trying to work basically 14 hours a week plus the 10+ hours of working out leaves me with little time or motivation to do anything else. I do waste too much time on Reddit though I admit it. Anyway there were some annoying little chores that I had been dragging along for a while that I wanted to get done so I took a week off to try and do them.
1- Fix my god damned computer. Nope
Ever since I got this second-hand computer it just has this random glitch where it freezes or reboots randomly. This obviously impairs work and all other things relating to art. It's been annoying the shit out of me for over a year now. I previously brought this to get repaired, guy couldn't figure out anything wrong with it. Suggested reinstalling Windows. Well I did just that this week, backed up all my files and installed a fresh Windows with nothing. Still randomly shuts down. So it's a hardware problem of some kind. But god knows what and how to fix this. So back to the repair shop it is I guess?
2- Order / research art supplies.

I've been procrastinating somewhat on this, just practicing drawing instead. But I have to actually practice with the tools I want to use and on techniques that will produce card alters eventualy. So I joined some Facebook groups, watched a bunch of Youtube videos and finally just got supplies. Check out my lamp I got for 5$ at Goodwill. Goodwill is awesome. Once the paint gets here I should have everything I need to try my hand at just a basic alter job.
Still found time to do a little bit of drawing for fun to practice with coloring pencils

I also spent basically almost 2 full days cooking a huge batch of food to free some of my time later on. I love cooking. I call it procrastibaking. It makes you fat and poor. Still did my workouts, started weighed pullups and pushups now with 20 pounds but will probably move onto this:
https://scoobysworkshop.com/advanced-workout-plan/ Also biked 11 hours this week. Biggest week of the year yet! Hopefully all the biking isn't impairing the weight workouts. I may take next week off once again to get my computer sorted once and for all. I'd pay to get a new one but it's expensive and I don't even trust that it'd work well at this point anyway, seeing as this is exactly what happened with this one. Also this week I finally sorted all the investment paperwork type crap. Now it's onto tax season so who knows what expensive surprises await. Life goes on. Still single btw lol. I have so little effort to give to dating / finding someone right now, it's depressing honestly.